These sweets really do look scrumptious! I think I'll get the Candy Cane Shower for my bathroom and hope that maybe lemonade will spray out of it
By the way, Manny came by during his break earlier. He wants to put the last bit of the pump in place today and do a trial run in the night. Then we'll finally be able to start pumping the water from the classroom.
I hope we'll finally find out what's going on there…
Watch out for some cuteness overload. Panda the big gentle giant playing with a 7 week old puppy... 超级可爱的大白熊和7个星期大的小狗玩它的中文名是熊猫听得懂国语和粤语| Panda the Great Pyrenees Visit Panda's website: - 它的网页Facebook Video Rating: 5 / 5
The Giant Panda is a mammal native to cntral-western and south western China and is a true member of the Ursidae (bear) family. The Panda's closes ursine rlative is the spectalcled bear of South America. The Giant Panda is amoung the worlds most adored and protected rare animal and is one of the few in the world whose natural inhabitant status was able to gain UNESCO Worlld Heritage Site designation. The Sichuan Giant Panda Sancturarites located in the southwest Sichuan province and covering seven natural reserves, were inscribed onto the World Heritage List in 2009. Discover the beauty and wonder of these great panda's and their fight for life.