Bai Yun of San Diego has her 6th cub!

Wonderful news comes out of the San Diego Zoo, announcing the birth a giant panda cub.

Below are two videos that the zoo posted as a live stream on the San Diego Zoo Stream on UStream. Then there are two posts from their panda blog site.

You can begin watching Bai Yun with her newborn cub tomorrow, 7/30/2012, when the zoo staff feels Bai Yun is ready. In the meantime, they are showing, Yun Zi (Son of Cloud) who was born on August 5, 2009 on their
Live HD Panda Cam.

Video streaming by Ustream



By Suzanne Hall – July 29, 2012

It's been a long, crazy, rewarding day at the San Diego Zoo's Panda Trek. I checked in at 6 this morning, there to relieve the early morning watch. The keeper on duty reported that Bai Yun had had a fairly quiet night resting in her den. However, since about 5 a.m. she had had a few bouts of nest building and genital licking. We've been seeing both behaviors from her for the last few days, so initially I thought we were status quo.

As the hour wore on, I noticed that she was not taking long rest periods as in days past. Instead, she would only rest for about 10 minutes before getting up to nest build or lick some more. I wondered if this would be a temporary restlessness or if this would build as the day progressed. At 8 a.m., keepers tried to get Bai Yun to cooperate with an ultrasound procedure. She walked voluntarily into the tunnel where we conduct the exams. However, it became quickly apparent that she was too restless to settle down and lay still, so the ultrasound was scrapped. Shortly after returning to her bedroom and sunroom area, I observed Bai Yun straining to defecate in the sun room. This occurred several times over the next hour. When she moved this straining to the den at about 9 a.m., I began alerting staff on site that Bai Yun may be in the early stages of labor.

As everyone gathered, Bai Yun continued to progress. She intermittently engaged in nest building, licking, and straining. The straining very clearly moved to obvious contractions, and after a few hours she began to grunt along with her contractions. We watched with baited breath, aware that this labor appeared to be taking longer than some of her previous ones. Bai Yun seemed to be lagging with fatigue.

At 2:40 p.m., with a loud squawk, a baby panda made its way into the world! Bai Yun was in a seated position when the cub emerged, and it never even touched the ground before she had it in her embrace. Bai Yun immediately comforted and consoled the cub, and it settled down quickly. Over the next hour, staff watched with relief as Bai Yun seemed to relax and enjoy a few short catnaps with the cub vocalizing intermittently to remind us all that it was still there. We are so very pleased to have witnessed another wonderful birth. Despite the lengthy labor and the concerns we all had about the impact her age might have on her ability to sustain a pregnancy, Bai Yun has once again shown us that she is, indeed, a hero mother.

Suzanne Hall is a senior research technician for the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research.


By Megan Owen – July 29, 2012

The Panda Team assembled one by one in the video room at the research station this morning as Bai Yun's labor began and continued throughout the day. Researchers, veterinarians, and keepers all gathered together and watched Bai Yun's every move. All of us were anticipating that first tell-tale "SQUAWK" from the cub and then, at 2:10 this afternoon, Bai Yun's 6th cub was born! Many of us on the Panda Team have been here for all of Bai Yun's births, but somehow, this one left us all as elated as we felt when Hua Mei was born back in 1999. After the cub was born, Bai Yun scooped it into her warm arms and quickly found a comfortable position for both her and the cub. We are still watching her and we can't stop smiling. Congratulations to Bai Yun!

Megan Owen is the Conservation Program Manager at the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation.

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