A pair of pandas will be loaned to Malaysia

China will loan Malaysia two pandas in yet another gesture to strengthen bilateral ties between the two countries, Malaysia's Natural Resources and Environment Ministry said in a statement at the end of June 2012.

The deal was initiated by China Wildlife Conservation Association and the Malaysian government.

Under the agreement, the pandas would be on loan for 10 years to Malaysia to mark the 40 years of China-Malaysia diplomatic relations in 2014.

The panda pair, Fu Wa (male) and Feng Yi (female) have been selected to live in Malaysia. Both are of the famous Wolong group that attended the Beijing Olympics.

The ministry said the cooperation would allow Malaysia to conduct conservation research on the giant panda and the public to appreciate the biodiversity and learn about panda conservation undertaken by China.

The government would hold a nationwide contest to name the black and white Chinese bear while they are exhibited at a park in the federal administrative center, Putrajaya.

Putrajaya Wetland Park would have a 1.1-hectare site for the pandas while 6.07 hectares would be set aside for planting bamboo which is the animal's diet.

Source: http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2012-06/11/content_15494156.htm
Source: http://news.sohu.com/20120618/n345892491.shtml
Source: http://www.mysinchew.com/node/74465

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