Halloween Furniture

Hello Pandas!

There's some scary furniture available from the catalogue again today ;-) I can't wait! Only one more night until HALLOWEEN :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

There are a few other creepy outfits and costumes available from the catalogue, too. My absolute favourite is the zombie with the eye hanging out :-D But be quick, you can only buy the costumes until Friday!

The Ballroom at the Castle has already been decorated last week.

Turn up your volume and rock the creepy groove :cool:

So how do you guys celebrate Halloween? Lots of sweets and decorations? And have you ever seen a cartoon or something like that and were scared? I have to admit that I found the evil witch in the Disney movie "Snow White" scary when I was little :shock: But not anymore. You get older and don't get frightened as easily anymore ;-)

Yeah, right, Ella. All I'll say is SPIDERS!

Umm…well… :oops: I'll probably be afraid of those creepy crawlies all my life :-?

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

Giant Panda

Madonna Giving Birth 麦当娜首次产崽in South Africa

On April 15 2008, the South China Tiger, Madonna gave birth for the first time to two cubs at Laohu Valley Reserve. One survived after the difficult birth, but died 7 days later at Lory Park due to bacterial infection. 2008年4月15日,华南虎麦当娜在老虎谷首次产下二崽,一只幼崽由于难产夭折,另一只幼崽在出生七天后由于细菌感染在罗瑞公园死亡。 This video is copyrighted and cannot be used without the express permission of Save China's Tigers. 版权所有拯救中国虎国际基金会

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