A Swarm of Crows Above the Castle

Howdy Pandas,

Wow, did you see how many birds are circling above the Castle already? There are so many, you can't even count them all!

I find all that a bit creepy, to be honest with you – after all, those crows are black as the night and don't look exactly friendly :neutral:

Don't worry, Ella – the crows came to help us get rid of the scarecrow, you know! And if we all keep typing the word "ALOHOMORA" into the chat box, there will soon be enough birds to take care of the scarecrow.

I hope you're right! Luckily, there's magic on Panfu ;-) In order to solve the Expert Question of the Week, you did not have to use magic, but just needed to keep your Panda eyes open. You can find the plant with the little worm in it in the entrance hall of the Underwater School.

elemin knew the answer and was picked as the winner this time around. Congratulations :-)

By the way: Yesterday was International Day of the Girl - the very first one, actually. There hasn't been a day like that before. Do you know how it all came about? On this day, the rights of girls and young women are supposed to be the main focus. Girls and women in many countries of the world still aren't being treated the same way that boys are treated. They get less pocket money and are also not treated equal to boys when they get education or job training later in life.

That's really not fair! We think the International Day of the Girl is a cool idea and give it a big Panda thumbs up!

Ella and Max


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