ALOHOMORA – The Scarecrow is Gone!
Good Morning Pandas!
We have THE news of the day for you: The evil scarecrow that Evron planted in the Castle Courtyard is FINALLY gone!!! Yaaayyy
There were hundreds of crows that grabbed the scarecrow by the neck and carried it away. You should've seen the look on its face when it suddenly took off, hehe I would just like to know if the crows have taken it back to Bitterland or to a lonely island far away from here.
I hope it's far away, so Evron won't think of planting another bewitched scarecrow on Panfu again anytime soon.
Right, that was the first news of the day, here's some more: tomorrow, you'll be able to change into the funky autumn clothes that we told you about last Tuesday. Lili unfortunately didn't manage to finish them last week. But TOMORROW is the day
And the Panda boy still looks like my Math teacher – totally!
Paws up for Panfu,
Ella and Max