Autumn is Here!

Hello Pandas!

The trees are starting to lose their colourful leaves and it's getting darker earlier in the evenings. It's also gotten quite cool over the weekend! One more reason to wear the autumn clothes that are available from the catalogue from today.

Hehe, the Panda wearing the boy stuff looks a little like our maths teacher – just 20 years younger :-) He has a beard like that, too.

Smart Pandas start fresh into the third season of the year, right? Here's the Expert Question of the Week for you to train your brain:

Where can you find this plant with this cute worm in it?

Drop your answers into the comment section until Thursday evening. We will announce the winner on Friday. This time around, the lucky winner will get the Graduation Cap and this umbrella for the Tree House:

Enjoy the lovely autumn days days in the comfy new clothes :-)

Ella and Max

Panda Frühling 熊猫的春天

Panda Frühling Frühling in China. Die Natur erwacht zu neuem Leben, die Bäume bekommen grüne Blätter, die Blumen blühen überall und das kleine Panda Bärchen entdeckt gerade viele neue Spiele. Ein Anlauf, der Überschlag -- fertig ist der Purzelbaum. Ach, wie schön! Und wieder einen Purzelbaum und nochmal und nochmal.... Nur die Mama sieht nicht hin, sie knackt genüsslich die leckeren Bambusstangen. Panda spring Spring in China. The nature is awakening to new life, the trees have green leaves, the flowers bloom everywhere and the little panda bear just discovered many new games. A start-up, the flashover - and that is the somersault. Oh, how beautiful! And again a somersault and again and again.... Only the mom looks down does not crack them relish the delicious bamboo rods. 熊猫的春天春天在中国。觉醒的性质是新的生命,树木有绿叶,鲜花盛开处处和小大熊猫只是发现了许多新的游戏。 一启动,闪络- 这是跟头。哦,多么美丽!并再次一个跟头,再而三....只有妈妈看不起不开裂他们津津乐道的美味竹棒。

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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