The Tree Monster Attacks

2012 04 29 ZooParc de Beauval - Huan Huan & Yuan Zi 041

2012 04 29 ZooParc de Beauval - Huan Huan & Yuan Zi 041

Good Morning Pandas!

Have you been to the Castle yet? Evron has changed the tree at the Castle Gate into a terrible tree monster! The branches and roots grew within seconds und wound themselves around the Castle Tower on the right hand side like tentacles. :???:

Felt more like a whip than a tentacle. OWW!!

Are you still in pain?

Yeah, quite some! :(
I was standing at the drawbridge when Evron pointed his wand at the tree. I stared at Evron in horror…I was so shocked to see him. Even when he cast his spell on the tree and the roots snapped out, I just stood there and couldn't move. I was paralysed. Suddenly, I felt something hit my ankles hard. The tree monster's roots had wound themselves around my ankles. :shock: I tried to move, but just fell flat on my face.

Ella just lay on the ground and couldn't move. I pulled at the roots, but they were just wound too tightly around Ella's ankles. What to do? I couldn't very well just hack at the roots with an axe. That would've been wayyy too dangerous. But then I had an idea. :idea: I will will tell you about that next time.

I bet you're dying to know which Pandas are the proud owners of a cute, orange Wooby now! :) We're so proud of you. You really know your stuff when it comes to whales. It was tricky only to choose three winners. But you can't all win, of course, so here are the winners of the whale Expert Questions:


The Woobies are already waiting for you at your Tree Houses. ;)

And here are the answers really quickly: 1. The largest whale is the blue whale. 2. The fountain of water sprays up when whales exhale through their blowhole. They do that when they are barely under the surface of the water and they spray water from inside their body and from the water surface. 3. Blue whales are baleen whales. Instead of teeth, they have a row of plates on the upper side of their jaws that resemble the 'teeth' of a comb. They use it to filter their food out of the water.

Watch out when you get close to the Castle!

Your Ella and Max

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GIANT PANDA GUERILLA DUB SQUAD "Change You" - live @ the Fox

LIKE us on FACEBOOK VISIT us @ FOLLOW us on TWITTER Giant Panda Guerilla Dub Squad performs the unreleased song "Change You" at the Fox Theatre in Boulder, CO.

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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