International Volunteer Work Positions
Oct 2009 Mei Lan?
Article by Mark Angelo
Finding great volunteer work outside of your country can be an overwhelming experience. International volunteer positions are available with organizations like Relief International. They recruit volunteers who are dynamic, mature, enthusiastic and committed to making a difference and saving lives of people world wide. Volunteer and intern positions are available in the US and abroad in both Emergency Response services and Development services.
Relief International offers many opportunities for volunteer work at their LA, DC and London offices as well. It is notable that Relief International actively recruits from its pool of volunteers when paid positions open up, and they give preferential consideration to volunteers and interns for these positions. Volunteers are needed in many different skill areas, including program research and development, fundraising, operational support, graphics and web deign and more. Some of the volunteer positions available at Relief International headquarters may be paid positions.
ACDI-VOCA is another organization which offers international volunteering work in a number of different areas. These include agribusiness, financial services, enterprise development and community development. ACDI-VOCA is devoted to expanding development opportunities for people around the world. They use a value chain approach to agribusiness which focuses on promoting environmental sustainability in countries like Jamaica.
They also work on enterprise development projects in countries like Paraguay, where the goal is to increase the income of poor people by providing technical assistance to local small businesses and coops. Another project of ACDI-VOCA is to help strengthen the capacity of coops in South Sudan to build better business plans and boost the financial skills of local entrepreneurs. Volunteers also work on community development projects in countries like Colombia where the y promote respect and opportunities for indigenous populations
International! volunte er work is sometimes devoted to a narrow cause, such as saving the giant pandas in China. Pandas International is one organization that is dedicated to this cause, and they offer many opportunities for people who love pandas to get involved and make a difference. For example, one opportunity which is available for those who want to volunteer in China is to work on the Bifengxia Panda Reserve.
Pandas International has coordinated these special volunteer opportunities through a close partnership with the China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Pandas. Volunteers must make their own travel arrangements to and from the reserve in China, but Pandas International has recommended some travel agencies for volunteers to work with on their website.