Ella And Her Eight Tentacles

Po and De De at Zoo Madrid.

Howdy Pandas,

Billy's mouth has transformed into a proper little biotope – complete with octopuses and giant crabs. I bet oceanographers could observe a lot of interesting stuff here. ;) Have you dressed up as underwater creatures yet?

Blubb blubb blubb

Oh yeah, Ella had this little incident…she put on the octopus costume. But when she tried to take it off again, the zipper got stuck on the side. We pulled it up and down and tried what we could, but it just wouldn't budge. :(

Ella had to walk through Panfu with her eight tentacles…or rather, she stumbled. :D The tentacles kept getting tangled. Ella lost her balance and fell over. :( She was so mad that she even sprayed ink! When we arrived at Ella's Tree House, she was so exhausted that she had two huge glasses of bubble tea. She hasn't been able to talk for over an hour, she just produces colourful bubbles. :D

Blubb blubb blub

You are right, Ella. Hehe, I can understand Ella's bubble speak a bit. ;) She reminded me that it is time again for the Expert Question of the Week. We forgot all about that last week. Sorry! To make up for that, two Pandas will be picked as winners this week. :)

Expert Question:
What do you call the dance that makes you mosh like a rocker?

Tip: You can look up the name under "actions".

Drop the correct answer into the comment section until Saturday evening and you get a chance to win a Graduation Cap and Armbands. They'll come in handy in Billy's mouth.


Rock on!

Max and blub blub

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Giant Panda


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