Max Proves Technical Skills…Not
Wow, it's so cool to talk Whalish!
Have you tried it yet? You just have to eat a bit of Bruno's Fish'n'Chips and then say the word "Whale" into Bookworm's microphone. Bookworm programmed it to make proper whale sounds. If you translate them, it says "Mummy, I miss you. Billy"
You can hear whale songs up to 150 kilometres across the sea. So if we all make an effort and speak Whalish through the microphone very often, then Billy's mother is sure to hear it, no matter where she is swimming around at the moment. Max has to get a new microphone before that can happen, though. He messed up yet again! You really can't trust him with any kind of technical equipment. And Bookworm even said to take special care with the microphone.
I hope he's not mad…
I wouldn't count on it. Max played around with the microphone yesterday until it stopped making noises altogether….or at least the ones that we can hear. But other creatures can hear them – bats. Max yelled into the microphone and within a minute, a huge swarm of bats came flying directly at us. That was creepy! We jumped into the Lake and held our breath. When we resurfaced almost out of breath a bit later, the bats had disappeared. Phew!
I have proven my technical skills, haven't I? After all, it's not that easy to create bat noises.
Um yes, Max. You were rather lucky only to have attracted bats. You could've just as well made spider or shark noises.
That wouldn't have ended so well, I don't think. Also, we were going to find Billy's mother, weren't we…I so want to see them reunited. I bet that'll be so touching! Are you as excited as we are?
Your Ella and Max
P.S. This week, there's a toilet in the Surprise Machine…and you have not yet missed it.