International Day of Peace, Math Competition and GOLD PANDA DAY!

Peace, Pandas!

Max and I have been up since 5:30, because there's just so much happening on Panfu today: There is GOLD PANDA DAY and then there's also the big math competition at school. Also, it's the International Day of Peace today :-)

This day is celebrated with concerts, parties and minute's silences all over the world. Unfortunately there are still many wars and fights happening in a lot of countries, which is why we think it's especially important to focus on the topic of peace today.

The math competition will happen soon, but I'm sooo tired. I didn't manage to sleep much, because I had a nightmare about a scarecrow! It just crept into my Tree House and wanted to change me into a crow :shock: I'm actually very afraid of scarecrows. Ever since Evron planted one in the Castle Courtyard, I feel strange just thinking about it :-(

Come on Ella, have a big cup of cocoa before we go to school and don't think of it anymore.

Enjoy checking out all the Gold functions :-)

Ella and Max

P.S.: The winner of the Expert Question of the Week is sweeny1259. Congratulations :lol: There are 3 different types of animals in the Pirate Bar: a snake in a jug, a mouse in the wall and a blue parrot in a cage.

Giant Panda

Panda "jail delivery"[熊猫越狱]

To see panda is how"jail delivery" 来看看熊猫是如何"越狱"的Top of the panda send Taiwan the giant panda and call Yuan Yuan.Underneath of call Tuan Tuan 上面的熊猫是送台湾大熊猫叫圆圆,下面的叫团团

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