Europe’s first panda cub Chu Lin was born 30 years ago @ Zoo Madrid

Chu Lin, was born 30 years ago at Zoo Madrid.
On September 4, 1982, Shao Shao gave birth to the 'most valuable zooanimal'.

Let's look back at Chu Lin's life at Zoo Madrid.

A pair of giant pandas, Shao Shao & Chang Chang, arrived at Zoo Madrid (which was then called Zoo de la Casa de Campo) on December 24, 1978. They were a goodwill gift from the People's Republic of China to the Spanish King Juan Carlos. The female, Shao Shao, was born at Beijing Zoo on September 18, 1975. The male, Chang Chang, was born in the wild approximately in 1973.

Both panda's lived together in harmony since the day they arrived in Spain.

In Spring of 1982 a natural mating occurred between Chang Chang & Shao Shao. But the staff of Zoo Madrid was not sure if the male was fertile enough. For this reason they performed artificial insemination on Shao Shao with semen from another male panda. Zoo Madrid collaborated with London Zoo and they received the sperm from their male Chia Chia.

Chu Lin was born on September 4, 1982. The staff at Zoo Madrid had no experience with panda cubs, nobody had real knowledge about these things back in those days. But the team of panda keeper Mario Robledillo and panda mother Shao Shao did a very good job in raising Chu Lin.

A second cub was born a few hours after Chu Lin's birth. Shao Shao didn't take care of this cub and veterinarians at the zoo tried to bottle feed this cub. She sadly died after 3 days.

Chu Lin soon became one of the biggest stars of Zoo Madrid. Shao Shao & Chu Lin came outside of the birthing den for the first time in March 1983. Many visitors enjoyed watching him in the yard.

The Spanish Group 'Enrique Y Ana' wrote a song, La Canción Del Panda, as a celebration for his Chu Lin's birth. This song became very popular in Spain and they still teach it to young children.

La Canción Del Panda became one of the songs of 'La Banda de Chu-Lin', a children's show with puppets that was running at Zoo Madrid in the Summer.

Chu Lin's mother, Shao Shao, died suddenly on October 23, 1983 from salmonella.

Not much later, Chu Lin went to live with his father Chang Chang. Or isn't he his father? These days, panda experts in China know how to do DNA-test on pandas to determine their fathers, but this technique wasn't invented yet. The zoo keepers and vets think that it is 99% sure that Chia Chia is Chu Lin's father, but still there is 1% chance that it is Chang Chang. At least we know for sure that Chang Chang & Chu Lin lived together in harmony. It is very unusual that two adult pandas live together, but two adult male pandas is even more exceptional.

I visited Chang Chang & Chu Lin on a hot Summer day in 1994.

When Chu Lin grew up, Zoo Madrid tried to find a girlfriend for him. But it didn't work out.

Chang Chang died on October 13, 1995 from a stroke.

The keepers noticed that Chu Lin suffered much from the loss of Chang Chang. Chu Lin died only 6 months later, on April 30, 1996, from intestine problems. His keepers are still not sure if these intestine problems were caused by the pain of the losing his father.

To honor Chu Lin, Queen Sofia of Spain came to Zoo Madrid on June 26, 1997 to officially inaugurate a beautiful statue of the panda made by Rager. The statue has an inscription 'Los Ninos a Chu Lin' which means from the children to Chu Lin.

Ten years later, on September 8, 2007, a new breeding pair of giant pandas arrived on loan from the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. And I believe that Chu Lin is watching Bing Xing & Hua Zui Ba's cubs Po & De De and that he is very happy that a new generation of children can enjoy panda cubs in Madrid.

Visit Zoo Madrid's article in Spanish on

Pambassador Jeroen Jacobs

Giant Panda

天下四川熊猫故乡中文繁体版Sichuan China Home of Pandas

Copyrights of this video belong to the People's Republic of China, the province of Sichuan, the National Tourism Administration of the People's Republic of China and the Sichuan Provincial Tourism Administration. Sichuan (四川), located in southwest China, is one of the largest and most beautiful provinces in the nation. This province covers an area of 485000 kilometers (187000 miles) and boasts the largest population in China, with 87 million people. Chengdu is the capital of Sichuan and is the cultural and industrial center for the agricultural Chengdu Plain. Chengdu was one of the first centers of printing in China and has been famous for its luxurious satins, brocades, and lacquer ware since the 13th century. Sichuan is known as the 'Land of Abundance' and has three places on the World Cultural and Natural Heritage List: Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area, Huang Long Valley (Yellow Dragon Valley) and Mount Emeishan including Leshan Giant Buddha. Visitors to this province can experience a wide variety of beautiful landscapes including plateaus, mountains, ravines, basins, hills, plains, rivers, lakes, hot springs, waterfalls and limestone caves. In addition, tourists can visit important historic relics and taste the delicious spicy Sichuan Cuisine. Chengdu is also home to the Chengdu Giant Panda Research Base, one of the most important centers in the world for the captive conservation of the Giant Panda. The Research Centre has evolved into China Panda City. Panda City encompasses ...

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Giant Panda - China's National Symbol in Sounds

  • The giant panda, or panda literally meaning "black and white cat-foot" is a bear native to central-western and south western China
  • It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears, and across its round body
  • Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the panda's diet is 99% bamboo
  • Pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion
  • In captivity they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared feed
  • The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces
  • Due to farming, deforestation and other development, the panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived Enjoy 10 Sound clips of this truly amazing animal

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