Arabian Nights Furniture

Hello Pandas!

A new week has begun and that means that we have new furniture for you today :-)
Do you know the Arabian Nights stories? They were Lili's inspiration for the new furniture collection. I think she got the books from the Library and locked herself up in her Tree House for 3 days.

It was totally worth it, the oriental furniture is really cool:

Wow, there's even a Magic Carpet, just like in "Aladdin" :-) I need a carpet like that in my Tree House. It would be great if we could use it to fly across the Castle Courtyard, too. Then I wouldn't have to pass the scarecrow on my way to see Kamaria…

It has grown quite a bit and looks creepy, don't you think? Imagine what would happen if it suddenly came to life and terrorised Panfu!

Ahh Max, stop it! I don't even want to think about anything like that :-( Let me ask the Expert Question of the Week instead:

In what game do you have to shop at a supermarket and memorise different items?

Drop your answer into the comment section until Thursday evening. There's stuff to be won again too, of course: Funky pink Rubber Gloves and the Graduation Cap :-)

Paws up for Panfu

Ella and Max

Giant Panda


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