Free App Saturday at “WeWantApps!”

Hey Pandas,

Today's post is all about the best apps for kids again :-) goodbeans, the makers of Panfu, have recently released a new app called "WeWantApps!" This app will help you find the best kids apps together with your parents. You can already access "WeWantApps!" at the App Store via the banner to the right hand side of our blog ;-)

"WeWantApps!" has a category called "Daily Apps". Every day, a special kids app is reviewed there, like for example a learning game or an interactive book. Some of the apps you have to buy, but a lot of them are free.

That's right! And starting now, you'll be able to download the "Daily App" for free every Saturday, because it's Free App Saturday. The app recommended on that day will be available for free for the entire day :-)

Max has an iPhone and has already tested a few of the kids apps. Let me see which app is available for free today…Ah, it is "Nighty Night", a cozy interactive bedtime book that lets you put animals to bed before you go to sleep yourself. He he, I will give that a whirl tonight :lol:

Have fun checking out the best kids apps!

Ella and Max

Giant Panda


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