Malaysians Wonder: What's in a Panda Name? -

By Celine Fernandez

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak thought he was having a bit of fun when he invited followers of his Mandarin-language Facebook page to suggest names for the two giant baby pandas China is loaning to Malaysia a year from now.

Instead, he set himself up for some more ribbing from his Malaysian constituents.

The two big bears are to be loaned to Malaysia for a period of 10 years as a symbol of the 40th anniversary of Malaysia-China diplomatic relations, to be celebrated in 2014. “I can’t think of a greater idea than having a pair of pandas in this country,” the prime minister said.

But when he called for names for the furry friends on his Facebook page, many of the suggestions were zingers aimed at embarrassing the government. One Facebook user, for instance, suggested the pandas be called “Hermes Birkin” and “Diamond Cincin” (“cincin is a Malay word for “rings”).

The idea was a jab at Mr. Najib’s wife, Rosmah Mansor, who was accused by Malaysia’s opposition of spending excessively on a diamond ring and a Hermes handbag last year. Ms. Rosmah has said she doesn’t have time to respond to such complaints and government officials have denied she spent unreasonable sums on luxury items.

Another Facebook follower suggested one of the giant pandas be called “Scorpene,” a reference to a recent scandal in which Malaysian authorities were accused of receiving kickbacks when buying two French Scorpene submarines. Officials have denied the charges.

Yet another user thought the pandas should be named “Bersih” and “Lynas.” Bersih is the name for a coalition of non-governmental organizations that organized giant mass protests earlier this year and last calling for free and fair elections. Lynas refers to a controversial rare-earths metals plant being built by an Australian company called Lynas Corporation, which also has been the subject of public demonstrations because of environmental worries.

One user questioned whether it was even appropriate to solicit names, since the bears, whose ages have not been disclosed, might already have them. Since the pandas are on loan only, does “Najib have the right to help a Chinese national treasure to the name change?” wrote one user.

Other entries were less mischievous, including names taken from Malaysia’s favorite food – “nasi” and “lemak” (after nasi lemak, the fragrant rice dish) as well as “satu amanan” and “satu jiwa” (Malay words for “one peace” and “one soul”). Some suggested Mandarin names such as “Wen Wen” and “Xin Xin,” which together in Mandarin mean “harmony,” as well as “He He” and “Ping Ping,” which combined mean “peace.” Predictably, perhaps, a user suggested “Yin” and “Yang.”

Not everyone is happy the pandas are coming to Malaysia, in any event. At the Malaysian office of the WWF, whose logo includes a panda, executive director Dionysius Sharma said such loan deals typically involve annual payments of up to US$1 million per year and require large investments in terms of building suitable enclosures, maintenance, and food, since the animals’ diets are limited to certain bamboo species.

“Unless the panda loan arrangement contributes positively towards the conservation of wild pandas or other endangered species living in the pandas’ habitat, WWF views the deal with China as a waste of public funds and a futile effort in terms of wildlife conservation – especially as funds are urgently needed for the conservation of endangered species in Malaysia such as the Malayan tiger, marine tussles, orangutans and the Sumatran rhinoceros,” he said. According to the WWF, there are fewer than 1600 giant pandas in the wild.

Malaysia’s Natural Resources and Environment Ministry said the pandas would be placed at a Wetlands Park in Putrajaya which would be installed with infrastructure similar to the natural habitat of the giant pandas.

Park sets aside 7ha for pandas from China -

PUTRAJAYA: The pair of giant pandas that will make their home here for 10 years will be housed in a 1.13ha air-conditioned enclosure at the Wetlands Park.

Another 6.07ha will be used to plant bamboos for their consumption.

The Natural Resources and Environment Ministry had announced on Monday that China would loan to Malaysia two baby giant pandas to mark the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries.

The agreement for the transfer of the pandas, regarded as national treasures by China, will be signed between the Malaysian Government and the China Wildlife Conservation Association today.

The loan request was made by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao during his visit to Nanning in April.

Putrajaya Corporation president Tan Sri Samsudin Osman said the pandas ate 15 types of bamboo.

“We already have three here buluh Thailand, buluh betong and buluh pagar,” he said after the soft launch of the Putrajaya Flower and Garden Festival (Floria) 2012 at the Maritime Centre here yesterday.

He added that FRIM director-general Datuk Dr Abd Latif Mohmod, who is a bamboo expert, will share planting tips with the corporation.

Samsudin said in Thailand (where China had also sent its pandas) the animals were fed “bamboo cakes” made of minced bamboo shoots.

“The food has to be kept in an air-conditioned store. Otherwise, the pandas will not eat them,” he said.

Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin, who was present at the event, said six experts from China were here to inspect the site for the pandas yesterday.

“The enclosure, which has yet to be designed, will resemble the panda habitat as close as possible.

“We will propose the design to the Chinese authorities,” he said.

Raja Nong Chik added that a Malaysian team had visited Singapore and Chiang Mai in Thailand to get first-hand information on preparations as well as caring for the pandas.

The arrival date of the pandas has yet to be fixed.

Minister: Pandas loaned to Malaysia by China will boost tourism - eTurboNews

Minister: Pandas loaned to Malaysia by China will boost tourism

Image via

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - The two pandas to be loaned to Malaysia by China will boost the tourism industry as it will attract more foreign visitors, said Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen.

She said foreign tourists were expected to flock to Malaysia to see the giant pandas once they were brought here.

“I expect an influx of tourists from countries like Indonesia and Singapore,” Dr Ng said after launching Malaysia Festival of the Mind at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman here yesterday.

The loan request for the pair of pandas was made by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao during his visit to Nanning in April.

Dr Ng also revealed that the female panda that would be on loan to Malaysia was fertile.

“We are hopeful it will be able to produce baby pandas during its 10-year stay here,” said Dr Ng.

On critics who questioned Malaysia's ability to care for the pandas, she said China would not have agreed to lend them if Malaysia was not capable of taking good care of the animals.

Malaysia, she said, had all the capability to take good care of the mammals and added that the Government would work closely with panda conservation specialists from China.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said Malaysia is aiming to lure more investments from China, particularly in the field of telecommunications, transportation, construction and steel manufacturing under the country's Economic Transformation Programme, reports Bernama.

He said Malaysia welcomed multinational companies from China to undertake the RM8bil Gemas to Johor Baru Electrified Double-Tracking project that would span over 197km.

“We are delighted too that China has invited Malaysia to tap the halal products market in Ning Xia. I do hope that more joint venture projects will be undertaken both in Malaysia and China in the future,” he said at a dinner last night which was hosted for a visiting Chinese Communist Party delegation.


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