Gathering Strength!

Po at the Atlanta Zoo. © Beachkat1.

Po at the Atlanta Zoo.

© Beachkat1.

Good Morning Pandas,

Are you having a nice weekend?

We're relaxing on the couch today. Max promised to make me a nice cup of cocoa if I stop tickling him with the feather. I could not refuse that offer, of course. ;) Mmmhhh, yummy! [SLURP]

We are gathering our strength while we can on this weekend. At the moment, the tree monster might not be causing any damage, but it is still at the Castle…and who knows what's waiting around the corner. :? ?? Until now, Kamaria hasn't been able to find out how exactly we can defeat it for good. But she is looking through all her spell books again.

So relax a bit and enjoy the calm before the storm…There's something to be won, too. We're looking for the Expert of the Week again.

Expert Question:

What's lurking beside the Underwater School?

Drop the solution into the comment section until Monday evening! A lucky Panda will win a cool Graduation Cap and a funny Rubber Ring for the Swimming Pool. :) Good luck!

Remember to relax ;)

Your Max and your Ella

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Giant Panda

Po gnaws his bamboo

Po gnaws his bamboo


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