New Photos of first 'On the Trail of Giant Pandas' Earthwatch expedition

I was doing some web searching concerning my upcoming trip to China and found some photos that one of the participants who took place in the same expedition I will be joining in October just posted online.


Team Photo


A candidate reintroduction cub relaxes in a tree


Mountain Fungus Inn, Wolong (where the group stays)


The Wolong Panda base has been made useable while the new facility is built


Here is the write up that John posted with his photos at the Zenfolio site. There are more photos to see just click on this link: John Hanna Zenfolio.

"The Wolong Panda base was badly damaged during the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. Construction of a new facility, funded by the Hong Kong government, is underway just a few miles down the road. The existing location, somewhat patched together, is being used for the Panda reintroduction program.

Only Pandas that have not been habituated to humans are intended to be reintroduced to the wild. In practical terms, this means that expectant (but habituated) mothers will give birth and rear their cubs for two years in increasingly large and semi-wild enclosures. During those first two years, it is hoped the cub will learn the necessary survival skills from the mother, and human interaction with the cub is strictly controlled, before being released into the wild ... meaning Panda suits must be worn!

While looking completely ridiculous, it was fun going about our daily monitoring and maintenance activities in full Panda regalia!

We stayed in a nearby hotel, the wonderfully named Mountain Fungus Inn, and received royal treatment during our visit, including a banquet (with barbequed goat!) held in our honour before we left Wolong."

Thanks John for sharing your adventure, I can't wait to partake in mine.

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Giant Panda

Xi Lan - Nap time

Xi Lan - Nap time


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