Max the Poet

Hiya Pandas,

Did you sleep well? I'm feeling totally refreshed today :-) !

No wonder, considering you have spent the last three days at the Swimming Pool…

Max might have told you that I got a massive amount of rainbow hearts on my birthday. That made me fall in love with the first Panda boy I saw – Gonzo!

Ella spent every day at the Kiosk and bought a lot of suncream and sunglasses.

Well, you do have to agree, he looks quite good! I kept thinking about him and just forgot about everything else…

But now I don't have a crush on him anymore. Do you want to know why?

Ella, psst! I'm sure the Pandas don't need to know everything :oops: .

Oh yes, it was too cute :-) Max wrote a poem for me – to win back my heart!!! He read it to me on Saturday evening, just as the sun was setting. That was sooo romantic. Max, come on, read it to our Panda friends ;-) .

[Grumble]…fine. But I'm just doing it so you won't relapse and have a crush on Gonzo again!

„Dear Ella, you awesome Panda girl,
you're the prettiest Panda all across Panfu and you give my heart a twirl.

Your eyes are as blue as the ocean and you get me to laugh with ease,

it's also very nice how your blonde hair waves in the Panfu breeze.

Forget the guy who sells the sunglasses and stop running to his store,

throw away your rose-tinted glasses and see clearly once more!"

Great, isn't it :-) ?? And it really did work – after Max had finished reading it, my feelings for Gonzo were totally gone.

I don't really think he minds so much, either. After all, he has enough Panda girls swooning over him all the time.

Hehe, I think you're right there :-D .

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

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Giant Panda


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