Hat Off, Please!


Finally, we have something to celebrate on Panfu again :-) . You see dressed up and happy Pandas walking around everywhere. Great, isn't it?

Amalura and Joshua will continue to celebrate their wedding until next Tuesday. Have you been there and thrown some confetti yet?

Someone else has something to celebrate, too! georgie6226 is the winner of the  Expert Question of the Week! Congratulations! At the Pirate Bar, you can throw 11 cups onto the floor or at the wall.

Have fun with your funky Graduation Cap and the awesome floor pillow for your Tree House :-D .

We got dressed up on Wednesday and wore medieval clothes. I wore a nice pink dress and felt very festive. Max wore a great knight outfit:

But when we arrived at the door to the Great Hall, the bouncer wouldn't let Max pass! He was wearing his hat and not a knight's helmet on his head.

Cheeky! My hat is my trademark thing, I never leave my Tree House without it.

Well, your super blogger status didn't help you there. We even tried bribing the bouncer with some candy, but he just wouldn't budge!

But I wouldn't be clever Max if I hadn't had a great idea, hehe ;-) . I will tell you on Sunday how I managed to get into the Great Hall after all and frightened all guests in the process.

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

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Giant Panda

Tai Shan and Brian on July 2, 2006

Tai Shan and Brian on July 2, 2006
Giant Panda cub Tai Shan and keeper Brian at the National Zoo.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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