Ella’s Birthday, Gold Panda Day + Expert Question of the Week

Hello Pandas,

Do you know what day it is today? Hmmm??

It's my birthday, yaaaay :-) :-) :-) !!

Happy Birthday, Ella! You know I'm wishing you only the best ;-) .

Max was so sweet: This morning, he brought me a home made muffin with a lit birthday candle on top of it and a bunch of white roses. I was so surprised!

:oops: Well, I wanted to get you something special for your birthday.

I'll have a little birthday party at my Tree House tonight. Max will be there, Kamaria, Penny and Lenny, Lili, Gonzo, Bruno, Mr. Curley…there are so many nice Pandas coming :-) .

And just so you'll also have something to celebrate, here's some good news for you: Friday is GOLD PANDA DAY!!! Yeah!

Don't forget to go and see Kamaria at the Castle Tower today. She said we could get back the ghosts of Joshua and Amalura with loooots of love. I wonder what that means?

And here's something else for you, the Expert Question of the Week:

Where on Panfu can you play "Quick Service"?

As always, the winner will get a funky Graduation Cap and this time around, we also have these funky multi-coloured lights for your next Tree House party!

Paws up for Panfu,

Max and birthday Panda Ella

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Giant Panda


友人が撮ってきた成都のパンダ基地に居た子パンダ。 上にのぼりたいのに、のぼれない。

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