New Clothes and Gold Panda Day on Friday!

Hello Pandas,

What do you think of the new clothes? I think the dress for the Panda girls is awesome :-)

The mirror ghost is still asleep, by the way. Max playing the guitar didn't change that, even though he was quite off-key :lol:

I just have to practice some more. But it did do something, because I saw the mirror ghost open one of his eyes for a split second. Maybe we're lucky and we'll be able to talk to him tomorrow!

We'll see. I don't want to annoy him, because if we do, he'll pull us into his mirror :shock:

We will go there again tomorrow morning and try our luck. We just have to help Kamaria! Friday is GOLD PANDA DAY again – she should be herself again until then.

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

Giant Panda


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