Evron is Back!!!

Hey Pandas,

You wouldn't believe it: This morning, Ella and I walked past the Castle Gate on our way to school. And do you know who whizzed past us?


We'd thought he had disappearead forever, but no such luck! He mumbled something about cold times, swung his wand and pointed at the Castle. And now the walls are starting to freeze over :shock:

At least Evron didn't disturb our Panfu birthday celebrations. Who knows, maybe he was on a winter holiday in January? Even bad guys need to take time off sometimes :mrgreen:

You know, I can't really find this funny, Max. We don't know what Evron's spell will do this time :-( I love snow and like to go ice-skating on frozen lakes, but the Castle freezing over is serious.

Then let's think about how to stop it from happening! But before that, here's the Expert Question of the Week:

How many bits of ice are floating in the Swimming Pool?

Drop your answer into the comment section until tomorrow evening. The winner will get this cool fireplace:

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

焦点访谈2012-11-17 守护大熊猫


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