Snowboarding Furniture

Hello Pandas,

How are you today? Are you back in school yet? Ella and I had to go back yesterday. It was great to see all of our friends again :-) We wished everyone a Happy New Year and talked about what we got for Christmas.

Luckily there's no homework yet this week :lol: There's enough time to spend our afternoons playing in Panfu :lol:

And enough time to furnish our Tree Houses in a sporty way! You could for example use the new snowboarding furniture to do that:

They go perfectly with last week's snowboarding clothes :-) Ah, looking at this, I totally want to go on a winter holiday.

Didn't you tell me that your parents will be going on a skiing holiday soon??? Just go with them!

But I don't want to just leave you all by yourself here. After all, the blog needs to be written. And I also don't want to miss any of the adventures on Panfu.

Don't worry, I can deal with the blog ;-) And if anything new and exciting happens, I will record it for you. Promise :-)

Okay, if you honestly promise, I'll go on the winter holiday with my parents. I'll go and call them right away :-)

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

Giant Panda

Kunfu Panda

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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