Backstage Interview with the Smashing Pancakes

Hello Pandas,

Today is GOLD PANDA DAY!!! And you can also read the exclusive interview that Max and I did with the Smashing Pancakes yesterday:

Max: Hello Momo, Eva, Patty and Iggy! Welcome back on Panfu :-D

Momo: Howdy :-) That's how you say Hi in Texas. We lived on a ranch there for the past few months and tried to relax a bit before our tour.

Ella: And what did you do there all day?

Iggy: Well, the things you do in Texas: We rode horses across the prairie, enjoyed the sun and sang Country songs by a nice fire in the evenings.

Eva: That style of music totally inspired us :-) Maybe we will record a few Country tracks soon. We even already have a poster of us dressed as cowboys and cowgirls. Cool, huh?

Ella: Does that mean you want to change direction in regard to your music?

All: Yes, we do!

Max: What??? No more rock songs?

Momo: Ah Max, you know, if you want to be successful in the music business, you have to explore different styles. It's the only way you'll get anywhere.

Ella: I think that's a good attitude to have :lol: What will your new Country songs be about?

Eva: Freedom and Love! Momo and I have been together for over 3 years now, I have loads of material for new songs :-)

Max: [rrrrumble]

Patty: Oh, I think Max' tummy would like to join in the conversation ;-)

Max: No wonder, I'm starving! Let's go to Chez Bruno and grab a bite :-) You've told us pretty much everything important by now, anyway.

All: Deal!

After the interview, we went for a yummy Texas style meal complete with a big steak, hot chili sauce and yummy beans. That was soooo rich, we'll go and dance it off. Come on Pandas, off to the Race Track :-)

Ella and Max

P.S.: nessie8 is Expert of th Week. Congratulations :lol: The game that we were looking for is called "Funniest Jumper".

Giant Panda

Panda bear in spain - Pandabär Mallorca 大熊猫西班牙

Panda bear in Spain! 熊猫Lustige Pandabärin am Strand- Mallorca - Playa de Palma! Auch ein Pandbär braucht mal Urlaub! El Arenal Die weitere Platja de Palma umfasst im touristischen Sprachgebrauch die gesamte Länge des durchgehenden Sandstrandes von der Marina in Can Pastilla bis zur fast 6 Kilometer entfernten Marina in s' Arenal. Neben den beiden Endpunkten liegen hier noch die Hotelquartiere Sometimes, las Maravillas und Ses Cadenes

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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