Birthday Concert on the Race Track
Hello rocking Pandas,
We're just watching the Smashing Pancakes spend the last few minutes before their show at their Tree House: Iggy is tuning his e-guitar, Eva is juggling her drumsticks, Patty is playing her bass guitar a bit and Momo – well, he's been combing his hair for 20 minutes now. You do have to look your best as a rock singer
Before you can listen to the birthday concert, you'll have to answer a few Expert Questions, though. Jay Pea is impatiently waiting for you on the Race Track:
Oh man, I hope it won't take too long to solve all the Expert Questions, I don't want to miss the first song!
Don't worry, Max, it'll be ok. After all, we're Panfu Experts We'll be doing an exclusive interview during the breaks. We want to figure out why the Pancakes have spent the last few months in Texas on a lonely ranch.
Ella and Max
P.S.: Friday is GOLD PANDA DAY!!!