Birthday Concert on the Race Track

Hello rocking Pandas,

We're just watching the Smashing Pancakes spend the last few minutes before their show at their Tree House: Iggy is tuning his e-guitar, Eva is juggling her drumsticks, Patty is playing her bass guitar a bit and Momo – well, he's been combing his hair for 20 minutes now. You do have to look your best as a rock singer :-)

Before you can listen to the birthday concert, you'll have to answer a few Expert Questions, though. Jay Pea is impatiently waiting for you on the Race Track:

Oh man, I hope it won't take too long to solve all the Expert Questions, I don't want to miss the first song!

Don't worry, Max, it'll be ok. After all, we're Panfu Experts ;-) We'll be doing an exclusive interview during the breaks. We want to figure out why the Pancakes have spent the last few months in Texas on a lonely ranch.

Ella and Max

P.S.: Friday is GOLD PANDA DAY!!!

Giant Panda


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