Ella Goes on a Skiing Holiday
Hello dear Pandas,
Tomorrow I'm finally going on holiday with my parents for five days, yaaay I'm so looking forward to it
Warm clothes like my ski suit, hat and gloves I have already packed. Anything missing? Ah, yes. The cool Smashing Pancakes T-Shirt we got from Jay Pea last week:
You'll write me a card, right? Make sure you wrote down my address right.
I know it by heart, Max! You're my best friend, after all Unfortunately I can't send cards to all Pandas, but Max will likely show his on the blog. You'll be ok without me for five days, right?
Of course, Ella! And in between, I'll spend my time watching the Smashing Pancakes on the Race Track
Alright then, I'm off. Bye, Pandas! See you next Sunday.
Paws up for Panfu,
Ella and Max