Kamaria, Queen of the Cake Fight

Hello Pandas,

The most important news first: Kamaria is the winner of the Cake Fight! At least in our competition :-)

Max, you always start at the end…this is what happened: Everybody has been able to use the new cake throwing function since Wednesday. And I thought it would be cool to have a competition together with Max, Penny, Lenny, Lili, Manny, Professor Bookworm, Kamaria and of course also Paul the Kid.  Whoever got the most points and gets the cake hat first, would be officially pronounced King of the Cake Fight :-D

You should've seen it: We all stood on the Castle Terrace and threw cake. After a bit, Lili's face was so full of icing that she didn't even see where she was throwing any more. And Paul the Kid's hair was so sticky that we had to hold him upside down into a bucket full of warm water in order to get all the goo out :lol:

Kamaria on the other hand threw so fast and had such a good aim that we didn't stand a chance against her. She won in the end, too :-) She was so proud of her cake hat, she wore it all day. Looks good on her, right?

I want a rematch! I will practice and throw cake at every Panda I see. Beware of cake throwing Max :-D

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

P.S.: The solution to the Expert Question of the Week is: Woody! You can only buy this Pokopet if you have a voucher for it. Koda72 wins the cool Graduation Cap and the Pokopet T-Shirt. Congratulations :-)

Giant Panda


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