Panda Pandemonium April 29, 2012
Po and Lun Lun
I'm King of the World
- Yang plays peeka aboo DSC_1722
apandalover posted a photo:
Po laughs
- LunLun waves to her visitors DSC_1160
apandalover posted a photo:
- I keeping my eye on you Po DSC_1288
apandalover posted a photo:
- Po Learning to chew DSC_1294
- Gaint Panda Breeding Research Base, Chengdu, China
-jeanette- has added a photo to the pool:
- Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, Chengdu, China
-jeanette- has added a photo to the pool:
Po is so cute - Are you still here crazycakes?
Po the roly poly
MMMMMM, leaves
Po lounging on the structure