The Giant Panda

Xi Lan enjoying his bamboo

Xi Lan enjoying his bamboo

Article by Texas Apartment Finder

What animal is black and white and loved all over the world? If you guessed the Giant Panda, you're right! This distinctive animal is also known as the Panda Bear, or in Chinese as Daxiongmao, the "large bear cat." In fact, its scientific name means, "black and white cat-footed animal." In this passage you will discover interesting facts and information about this unique species of bear.

These animals are found only in the mountains of central China - in small isolated areas of the north and central portions of the Sichuan Province. They live in dense bamboo and coniferous forests at altitudes of 5,000 to 10,000 feet. The mountains are shrouded in heavy clouds with torrential rains or dense mist throughout the year. They live on the ground for the most part, but they will occasionally rest up in a tree. Bears of this specie are among the rarest mammals in the world - there are probably fewer than 1,000 left in the wild.

While bamboo stalks and roots make up about 95 percent of their diet, the Daxiongmao also feeds on gentians, irises, crocuses, fish, and even small rodents. These loveable animals find food by smell, since their eye sight is bad. This particular species of bear will walk right by fresh bamboo until they smell it, and then will go back and feed. Mother bears nurse their young for 12 months and then send them on their way.

Daxiongmao sleep most of the day getting energy to go out at night. Even though Giant Pandas have bad eye sight they can still manage during the night by smell.

Scientists say there are only about 1,000 Giant Pandas in the wild currently. In 1984, due to its dwindling numbers, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed this particular animal as an endangered species under the Endangered Species Act. The Chinese government has set aside 11 nature preserves where bamboo flourishes and these creatures are known to reside there. The Panda Bear is protected under the Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora.!

S cientists continue to study ways to improve breeding success in captivity and increase wild Panda populations in order to ensure their continued survival.

In conclusion, I would like to make clear that I am not an expert by any means on animals or wildlife. The Daxiongmao just so happens to interest me, which motivated me to write this article. I am a real estate professional that specializes in apartment locating and listing services. I assist prospective renters in their search for Apartments in Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio, TX.

Po- Hey Y'all, are you here to see me?

Po- Hey Y'all, are you here to see me?


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