Giant Panda Bears

Po, you must come inside now

Po, you must come inside now

Article by Chris Cornell

Throughout the adolescence period of lives, toys of bears are rather common. Most children have been deeply acquainted with bears, although we are unaware of plethora facts about bears. For instance, the huge panda bears in China, among the great variety existing in all corners. Something utterly surprising, some tourists deliberately travel all the way to China just to have sights of the bears. It has been believed that the species of panda in China is one of the exceptional and extraordinary in the world.

However, it is fascinating to know that these rare species gigantic panda bears are a threatened breed on our planet. In fact, most people have seen how the famous WWF incorporates the panda image as a logo of their group. These bears have been known to be a common species seen in regions such as Gansu, Shaanxi and Sichuan. These provinces are situated in the Southwest district of China, close to the Tibetan plateau. Due to the constant threatening of the breed, currently there are only approximately 2,500 wild mature pandas available.

Many parties are extremely perturbed and worried of the extinction of the panda bears in China, particularly due to the massive growth in the China's economical status. Sanely everyone is aware that the consistent expansion either in industrialization or modernization would somehow affect the survival of the bears. The projects taking up vast amount of lands and the construction of infrastructures will cause the panda's habitats to be vanished. As such, most animal enthusiasts and the China's government have been developing ways to address this problem, allowing the pandas to co-exist in harmony with human.

There were already efforts to conserve the gigantic panda bears. More than 50 reserves have been established for these bears to inhabit. The land covers 2.5 million of acres and it is said that more than 60% of the bears' population can be safely protected. The government is also spreading awareness about maintaining the lives of these prot! ected sp ecies as they are essential as part of the world's biodiversity. In fact, the Chinese government believes the conservation of pandas can enhance in the tourism industry.


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