Ready, Steady…Snowball Fight!

Hello Pandas!

[SPLATT] Ha ha, missed :-D Ella just threw a snowball at me!

Hehe, we're bringing today's blog to you from the bench in the City. It's so refreshing to feel all that wind and snow on your face :-) Have you had a snowball fight on the Sports Field yet?

Once it started snowing on Panfu, your water bombs froze and turned into snowballs. Cool, right?

Just as cool as the new Panda clothes. Lili just proved she is all about the latest fashion trends with her new collection ;-)

We'll write to you again on Thursday. We have our school's Christmas party to go to, where we'll also have a Christmassy theater show. I wrote the script and Max plays a bauble that's hanging from the tree.

I'm good at hanging! But I'm not going to do that just yet – here's the Expert Question of the Week:

How many of Oscar the Dolphin's questions do you have to answer to get the silver badge?

This time, we'll pick 3 experts :-D We'll announce the winners on Friday. They will get this great Snowman Lamp and of course the Graduation Cap:

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

Giant Panda

cute panda


Video Rating: 3 / 5


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