Advent Sunday at the Igloo and New ‘Be Smarter’ Quiz

Hello Pandas,

Do you also feel all warm and cosy?

Hehe, that must be the three glasses of hot cherry punch that you had at the igloo yesterday. Makes you feel warm from the inside out ;-)

Hmm, you could be right. But it's soooo nice there :-) You get comfy on the ice chairs, snuggle up with a warm blanket and drink hot fruit punch together with your friends :-) Do you guys also meet your friends at the igloo?

We'll go there again today. The gingerbread man told us that there's a cool costume in the advent calendar.

Max also wants to play a round of 'Be Smarter' beforehand. The game has been revamped! There are many new questions and a quiz master. There will also be a 'Smartypants of the Month' – that'll be the Panda who answered the most questions correctly and quickly.  Their Panda picture will be visible on the quiz machine until a faster Panda takes their place.

I want to be the first Smartypants!!! That's why I want to play 'Be Smarter' as much as I can now ;-)

Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

Giant Panda


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