Where is the Colossal Robot?

Hello Pandas,

Evron is at it again :mad:   Why does he always come to Panfu when it's the last thing you would think of?

Did he take the remote control for the colossal robot from you too? Or did one of you Pandas manage to get it before him? Ella and I were in the Jungle on Wednesday and were just about to take it off a bush when Evron whirred past us and just made it disappear with his magic :shock:

Ella even jumped into the air and tried to grab the remote control, but it didn't work out. She even sprained her right hand when she hit the ground after the jump.

It really hurts, too :-( I went to hospital right away and Dr. Feelgood bandaged me. She also told us not to get too close to the colossal robot.

Bookworm said it's only a matter of time until Evron finds out how to reprogram the robot to do bad deeds. And then nobody on Panfu would be safe :shock: I'd like to know where the robot is right now??? I haven't seen it. Even though I used my ultra precise detective spy-glass.

Hihi, really Max :-D   You can't miss the robot's feet. You probably held the spy-glass the wrong way around and it made everything appear smaller ;-)

Oh yeah, that might be it… :oops: Umm, let me just quickly tell you who's Expert of the Week this time around: It's Coolchik05! You'll get the funky Graduation Cap and a great Door Mat for your Tree House. Keep your Tree House free of mud or other dirt that you normally bring in from outside :-)

Our good old robot Robby lives in Japan – in Tokyo. He's really happy where he is. He attends the International School for Robots and will take his final exams soon. :) We have our fingers firmly crossed for him!

Ella and Max

Giant Panda

白雪Bai Xue and her funny cub

Wang Wang's granny 2009.9.21 at Bifengxia new breeding center

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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