Welcome Home Fu Hu
Tiergarten Schönbrunn / Zoo Vienna's panda cub Fu Hu left his birth town Vienna on the night of November 6. He arrived today in his new home, the Ya'an Bi Feng Xia Base of CCRCGP.
Fu Hu arrived at Chengdu's Shuangliu International Airport around 13:30 on a direct flight from Amsterdam with KLM.
A delegation from Tiergarten Schönbrunn accompanied the panda cub on his trip 'home'. His keeper Renate Haider (who will stay with Fu Hu for 2 weeks), Panda Curator Eveline Dungl, Veterinarian Tomas Voracek and Director Dagmar Schratter.
The transport went very smoothly for the little panda.
In Ya'an, he was welcomed by a large delegation of the CCRCGP staf and professor Tang Chunxiang welcomed him with a 'Welcome Home, Fu Hu' Ceremony. Johannes Leibetseder, the First Secretary of the Austrian Embassy, came also to celebrate Fu Hu.
Fu Hu moved into the Quarantaine Area of the park, where he will stay for one month. Later, he will have the chance to live with other pandas of his age.
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