Creepy Times on Panfu
Good Morning fearless Pandas!
Put on your most creepy outfits and stroll around Panfu as witches, monsters and mummies Because today is HALLOWEEN!
Max put on this terrible zombie outfit with the knife through the head right after he got up. Disgusting
Halloween is only once a year, so I'm allowed. YOU still haven't told me what you will be wearing tonight. So far, Ella has only printed and cut out the pumpkin mask from the mailbox in the City:
Just you wait, Max, I bet my costume will scare you After school, we'll go through Panfu with Paul the Kid to do our bit of trick or treating.
Oh yeah, candy
But not for you, for Paul! After he's in bed, we'll go to the Halloween Party at the Ballroom. I'll check out some creepy games at the Library first, though – we'll be able to play them with Lili, Penny and Lenny at the party
Mhmm and I bet Penny will bring her homemade pumpkin seed cookies again, yummy! Speaking of cookies and candy, here's our Expert Question of the Week:
„Where was this picture taken?"
The winner will get the Graduation Cap and cool Halloween Fairy Lights:
We'll post the solution on Friday. Enjoy the party today
Ella and Max