Creepy Times on Panfu

Good Morning fearless Pandas!

Put on your most creepy outfits and stroll around Panfu as witches, monsters and mummies :twisted: Because today is HALLOWEEN!

Max put on this terrible zombie outfit with the knife through the head right after he got up. Disgusting :roll:

Halloween is only once a year, so I'm allowed. YOU still haven't told me what you will be wearing  tonight. So far, Ella has only printed and cut out the pumpkin mask from the mailbox in the City:

Just you wait, Max, I bet my costume will scare you :lol: After school, we'll go through Panfu with Paul the Kid to do our bit of trick or treating.

Oh yeah, candy :-D

But not for you, for Paul! After he's in bed, we'll go to the Halloween Party at the Ballroom. I'll check out some creepy games at the Library first, though – we'll be able to play them with Lili, Penny and Lenny at the party ;-)

Mhmm and I bet Penny will bring her homemade pumpkin seed cookies again, yummy! Speaking of cookies and candy, here's our Expert Question of the Week:

„Where was this picture taken?"

The winner will get the Graduation Cap and cool Halloween Fairy Lights:

We'll post the solution on Friday. Enjoy the party today :-)

Ella and Max

Giant Panda


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