Spring Cleaning

Hello Pandas,
Spring is almost here now! Do you know what that means?
Time for some SPRING CLEANING!!!

Our Tree Houses are in desparate need of some clearing and cleaning. We've unfortunately neglected that a bit in the past few weeks. So I grabbed my bucket and rubber gloves this morning, went to Max' Tree House and woke him up.

Not nice, I had just been dreaming about a yummy strawberry jam sandwich…but Ella at least brought rolls with her, so that we first had a good breakfast and then set to work.

Now we're standing in front of Max' wardrobe, clearing out all the old winter stuff. Oh, what's this? Aaah, a moth

Haha, it sat down on Ella's nose But Ella screamed so loudly that it took off again in a flash.

Come on Max, help me out here. We'll bring your dirty laundry to the dry cleaner's now. Let the Pandas get on with their own bit of spring cleaning
Paws up for Panfu,

Ella and Max

Giant Panda

【2009央视春节联欢晚会】 6 - 森林舞会Forest Party - 黄圣依

【2009央视春节联欢晚会】 au.youtube.com
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